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Monday, 17 July 2017
On May 21st the bananas looked like this.
Six weeks later, on July 1st, they had made significant growth.
Rain, sun, warmth: here they are just four days later, on July 5th.
A further four days on, and now it is July 9th. Cannot quite see
them stretch. But from day to day - the changes are obvious.
There's a heat advisory today, and thunderstorms forecast
for tomorrow. Today is July 13th, not quite 2 weeks on
from July 1st. Happy, happy bananas.
Temperatures in the high 80s, low 90s Fahrenheit. Rain arriving
in a regular manner. Today is July 17th. Leaves have unfurled,
stretched up and out, started into growth. It's a jungle out there.
I should tell you that Himself classifies plants as "grass" or "not-grass." And the way you tell the difference? You cannot cut grass with a chainsaw. That means tulips and chrysanthemums are categorized as "grass." But these bananas, I think, might be moving into the "not-grass" category. What say you?
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